Innovative | Sustainable | Renewable | Accountable


Innovative | Sustainable
Renewable | Accountable

Rhinomics believes in unlocking the potential for rhinos to pay for themselves and to contribute financially towards their management and conservation in general.

Our Work

Despite ground-breaking research, innovative management techniques, cutting-edge technology and strict laws, rhinos continue to die in the wild.

In Africa, the number of rhinos in private hands exceeds those in National Parks, and the cost to keep them safe are spiralling out of control. Owners are disinvesting in rhinos to avoid the escalating costs and safety concerns.

We believe that the last two decades have proven that the current management strategies to protect rhinos do not work effectively, and we are constantly striving to embrace new methods to change the status quo.

We combine our innovative financing models with traceable, scientific and technological processes to help rhino investors and custodians derive an income from the legal sale of rhino horn; and for the proceeds to help maintain a healthy ecosystem for the benefit of rhinos, people and nature.

How We Work


We work to inform global and national policies to promote the conservation and sustainable management of rhinos.


We work with cutting-edge technology to expand and create a safe environment for rhinos to roam freely.


We work with scientists and veterinarians to ensure the traceability, transparency, and safety of rhinos and rhino horns.


We work with researchers at leading Universities in Africa, Asia, and Europe.


We work with funders and investors to realise the value of living rhinos NOW, by creating a trade model that incorporates traceability within the current legislation.